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A book on global biodiversity and sustainable development written in 2010 by Sylvain Richer de Forges. Biodiversity loss has been identified as one of the four main global challenges of the 21st century along with access to clean water, reducing poverty and climate change. However, while the other three issues are already well under way of being generally known by society, biodiversity has been left behind and remains even today a largely unknown or misunderstood concept. in its unique format this book exposes the concept of biodiversity, its threats and implications for humanity.

The online versions and pdf made available from this site are simplified adaptations from the actual book which was published in 2010 under Greenprints. The book is available in retails in Europe and parts of Asia.  

The book was also developped into a global programme supported by some of the worlds most prominent organizations acting the field of conservation including the UN, Conservation International, IUCN, The National University of Singapore, WWF and many others... 

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